Pet Waste

Clean up after your pets sign

When animal waste is left on the ground, rain water or melting snow washes the pet waste into our storm drains. The disease-causing bacteria found in pet waste eventually flows to our drinking water source. In addition to contaminating waterways with disease-carrying bacteria, animal waste acts like fertilizer in the water, promoting excessive aquatic plant growth that can choke waterways and promote algae blooms, robbing water of vital oxygen.

Scooping Up the Poop:

  • Bag it! When going for dog walks remember to bring a baggie.
  • Flush the pet waste down the toilet because then it is treated at a sewage treatment plant.
  • If flushing down the toilet is not a viable option, put the pet waste in the trash, but never put waste into storm drains.
  • Encourage your neighbors to provide pet waste stations for collection and disposal of waste. Check to see if the parks in your neighborhood have them.
  • Dig a small trench in your yard where your pets tend to defecate and toss the waste in the trench, cover with a layer of leaves, grass clippings and dirt.
  • Dispose of waste in disposal units called Doggy Loos where they are installed into the ground. Decomposition occurs within the unit.
  • At the park, set up a pooch patch which has a pole surrounded by a light scattering of sand around it. Dog owners can introduce their dog to the pole upon entry to the park. Dogs will then return to the patch to defecate and then you can place the pet waste in special bins for disposal.